Worship Ministries


Christian Instrumental and Worship Music


Peter and Cristie Robertson

Create a peaceful, restful, worshipful atmosphere in your home with Christian instrumental music by Peter and Cristie Robertson. Great soothing sounds!

We all know that “music soothes the savage beast” but it is also scriptural that anointed worship music has the power to greatly minister to our lives. 1 Samuel 16:25 tells of how Saul found relief from oppression when David played his harp. Elisha, when seeking a word from the Lord, asked for someone to bring him a minstrel (2 Kings 3:15) or we would say a musician. When the musician began to play, Elisha received the word from the Lord.

We have had letters from all over the world with testimonies of how people have been healed from physical ailments, stress disorders, trouble sleeping etc just by allowing the music to create a peaceful atmosphere in their home, work or car.

Purchase your instrumental Christian music at our online shop from Peter and Cristie Robertson – Find out more About Us

Upcoming Events

Oct 13  9:30am –  COH CHURCH
Worship with Peter & Cristie Robertson

60 Gaven Arterial Rd
Maudsland QLD 4210

Oct 20  10am –  FAITHLIFE CHURCH
Word & worship with Peter & Cristie Robertson

178 James St
South Toowoomba 4350

Oct 27  10am –  FAITHLIFE CHURCH
Worship with Peter & Cristie Robertson
 178 James St

South Toowoomba 4350

Nov 3  9:30am –   RHEMA FAMILY CHURCH
With Peter & Cristie Robertson
19 Tolmer Place
Springwood QLD 4127

Nov 24  10am –   FAITHLIFE CHURCH
With Peter & Cristie Robertson
178 James Street
South Toowoomba QLD 4350

Dec 1  9:30am –  COH CHURCH
AM meeting with Peter & Cristie Robertson

60 Gaven Arterial Rd
Maudsland QLD 4210

Dec 22  10am –   FAITHLIFE CHURCH
Word, worship & carols
178 James Street
South Toowoomba QLD 4350

Dec 29  10am –   FAITHLIFE CHURCH
Worship with Peter & Cristie Robertson
178 James Street
South Toowoomba QLD 4350

Jan 12  9:30am –  COH CHURCH
Worship with Peter & Cristie Robertson

60 Gaven Arterial Rd
Maudsland QLD 4210

Newsletters and Updates

Faith Camp 2024

Faith Camp 2024

Hello everyone, This month I thought that I’d report on our Faith Camp 2024 which took place last week. This started as a dream, many years ago, to have a vehicle to teach our young people how to walk by faith and stand in the fullness of their covenant with God....

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Finding Strength When Feeling Weak

Finding Strength When Feeling Weak

Hello to all of our friends and partners, I pray that this finds you doing well, but even if you aren’t, I pray that you know that you are loved by God. We live in a “highlight reel” generation where everybody compares themselves to everybody else via social media....

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The Weapons of our Warfare

The Weapons of our Warfare

I have been thinking a lot recently about how vital it is for us all to be walking in the fullness of everything that Jesus paid for us to have. There was a time in Israel’s history that they were oppressed by the enemy making sure that there were no blacksmiths in all of Israel…

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A Spirit Led Life

A Spirit Led Life

we are back in Australia after 3 months of ministry in Europe. What a wonderful time we had, ministering multiple times and often multiple cities each week. Whilst we were away, I felt the Lord talk to me about the importance of a Spirit led life.

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Jan and I have been blessed to have known Peter Robertson for many years. he has ministered with us all over the world and is one of the most anointed ministers and musicians we know.
Now with his lovely wife Cristie by his side it is even better! I highly recommend Worship Ministries International as I know they will be a blessing wherever they go.

Col Stringer

Col Stringer Ministries

The music and ministry of Peter Robertson is life changing. God has given him a gift that is unique and powerful. The rest and peace that flow from his music, linked with the character and integrity of the musician, makes his music more than just music. It is anointed and performed by an anointed man of God.

Peter and I have ministered together several times, both here in the USA and in Australia and it has always been a wonderful experience.

At our church and ministry offices, I have had Peter Robertson’s music playing in the background continuously for a number of years. The staff and visitors never tire of it. Things from God never grown old.
It is an honour to call Peter Robertson a friend and to endorse his music and Worship Ministries International.

Dr Larry Ollison

International Convention of Faith Ministries

I have personally enjoyed listening to Peter’s music, and a particular favourite is his intrumental masterpiece ‘Rest’.
You can literally discern the anointing of Rest in his beautiful work. I have no doubt that you will experience the gentle refreshing of the Holy Spirit as you allow Peter’s music to wash over you.

Joseph Prince

Senior Pastor, New Creation Church, Singapore