Hello to all of our friends and partners,
Praying that you are all doing great and enjoying the abundant life that is ours in Christ Jesus. I just wanted to share a few thoughts that have been on my mind.

This scripture calls the devil the prince of the air, or you could say, the prince of the atmosphere. You just have to turn on the TV to see the atmosphere of the world. There is so much reality TV that focusses mainly on strife, argument and division. It amazes me at how many people find strife, division and ingratitude entertaining! I am not saying this to condemn anyone, but to point out a strategy of the devil and a way to overcome it.
The children of Israel, after seeing all of the miracles that led to their deliverance in Egypt, started to complain. This led to a hardening of their hearts and led to only two out of two million people making it into the promised land. The first thing that Lord told Joshua to do whilst crossing the Jordan river into the promised land, was to place 12 stones in the midst of the Jordan that were to be an eternal memorial to what God did that day (Joshua 4).
I believe that in this negative and complaining world, we need to have memorials in our lives that remind us of the goodness of God and how much He has done for us. They don’t necessarily have to be physical objects, but we DO need to constantly remind ourselves of what God has done in our lives and praise Him for it.
If not, we risk becoming hard hearted and complaining just like God’s children in the wilderness. It’s easy to think this would never happen to you, but I have seen people that have received miracles, become completely hard hearted towards the things of God because of this same reason. They did not guard their heart from the complaining and ungrateful attitude of the world.
Often we can be in a habit of complaining that can only be broken by daily praise to God for His goodness, mercy and amazing grace. We can retrain our brain to be grateful and have our heart overflowing with thanksgiving by praising God for what we have in Christ, instead of complaining about what we don’t have.
The Lord spoke this to my heart this month:

Cristie and I head off to the Philippines for a 2 week missions trip on Thursday. We were believing for a base in Europe and have just secured an apartment in Vienna for 3 months in February, to minister throughout Europe. The goodness of our amazing God! We are so excited to be seeing our God given dreams, visions and prophetic words come into action and are expectant to see what He is going to do! This is all possible because of our friends and partners who believe in our ministry. Thank you!
Please pray for us as we walk through these open doors, by faith, and if you feel to partner with us as we preach the gospel around the world, please click the link at the bottom of this email.
We pray for you, believe God’s best for you and speak God’s word over you.
Peter and Cristie