Hello to all of our friends and partners,
When I think of all of the resources needed in life, in todays society, time is the one of which we are the most poor. As I am writing this, we are preparing to fly tomorrow to Auckland in New Zealand, which will be the third different nation in which we have ministered, in the last 3 weeks!
Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
With the increased cost of living, people are working more than ever. With all of the distraction available to us with social media, tv and movies on our phones and everything else that life throws at us, it can feel like we don’t have time to spend praying, in God’s word or fellowshipping and serving at church. I know exactly how this feels but I find that the busier life gets, the more important it is that I seek God first. I think that there is a powerful principle, imbedded in the whole of creation, that we were meant to put God first. It doesn’t make sense in a secular society with a Godless world view but in a world where everything we have is a seed, putting God first will always create a greater harvest of your time, energy, money and life when you sow these to God first.
Gen 8:22 “While the earth remains, Seedtime and Harvest, Cold and Heat, Winter and Summer, and Day and Night shall not cease.”
I am not saying that you need to pray “X” many hours or read a certain amount of the bible a day to be blessed, but I think that it is a kingdom principle to put God first. Maybe start your day with a coffee and reading of the word prayerfully before you head to work or listen to a ministry podcast or some worship music and pray in your car. It may start small, but I believe as we give God the first part of our day, He will multiply our time and make our time more productive. You will start to see the benefit as we were designed to walk in a daily relationship with the Lord. This scripture says to also seek His righteousness.
Our confidence and security is in that Jesus took our sin so that we could become His righteousness in Him (2 Cor 5:21). The bible says that we “Rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we HAVE NOW received the reconciliation” (Rom 5:11). Start your day by thanking God that you are reconciled to Him through Jesus and now righteous because of the blood of Jesus and accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:6). You’ll be so glad that you did.

As I stated before, we have had a huge month ministering in the Philippines, where we saw over 500 people give their hearts to Jesus in night healing crusades, as well as ministering in churches, bibles schools and providing medical supplies to an orphanage in Manila. We would like to thank our friends and partners for helping make all of this possible. If you feel the Lord leading you to become a partner to support this ministry, then you can click the link down the bottom of the page.
We pray for you, believe God’s best for you and speak God’s word over you.
Peter & Cristie