
Praise God
Open Up My Heart
Pour Your New Wine
Jesus I Love You
Let Me Know Your Grace
Drink From The River
Dance Down In My Feet
Holy Ghost
I Got The Joy
Feel Your Touch
Rain Down on Me
Pour Down The Rain

Pour Down the Rain – MP3 Album

A Holy Ghost meeting is one where the Holy Ghost is the emphasis of the meeting. Not a person or programme or personality but God, the Holy Spirit himself. God is pouring out his spirit like never before and if you will let him, He will change your life so that you will never by the same.

This total surrendering to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to move is what we have aimed to capture on this live album. On the two nights we recorded people were touched by the power of God. Some laughed, some cried, some ran, some danced, some shook and others were ‘not drunk with wine but filled with the Spirit’. But the manifestation is not the important thing. The important thing is that people yielded themselves to God and were changed.

As you listen to this album let the Holy Ghost touch you. Ask Him to fill you afresh and renew your first love. If you do, then you will never be the same again.

The music on this album is unedited live worship.