Hello everyone,
This month I thought that I’d report on our Faith Camp 2024 which took place last week. This started as a dream, many years ago, to have a vehicle to teach our young people how to walk by faith and stand in the fullness of their covenant with God. Cristie and her staff spent months trying to secure a venue which would not be cost restrictive to any youth wanting to come.
After months of running into walls we finally found the perfect venue at COH church on the Gold Coast. This was alway my first choice because the Lord had spoken to me about this camp having excellence. They helped so much with compliance documentation to help Ps Kez organize the safe churches requirements for holding a camp.
Cristie and her family immediately started planning to feed 80-100 young people which is huge logistical task. Having 5 kids, we always heard how bad the food was and how little of it was on youth camp. This was never going to happen on Cristie’s watch but we also wanted to keep the costs down to enable as many kids as possible to come. KCM and AWMI sowed books for every person to have as a gift and JSMI gave books and messages to give out as prizes.
The first night’s worship was led by a youth band Led by Andrew Dicuwollah and Ellie May and it was outstanding. I then preached on “Changing your world by faith” and 8 young people gave their hearts to the Lord.
The next morning Psalm Kez preached on God wanting us to have a “Sweet” life instead of a “Swampy” life and 3 more young people got saved. We then had a split session with me taking the boys and Ps Kez taking the girls talking about the realities of the sexual brokenness in the world and how we don’t need to hide in shame but run to God to walk in freedom. Many testified at how this helped them with areas that they were struggling in.
We then had an amazing afternoon at the beach, blessed with a bus and driver from Kings Christian College. Ps Chloe Nash and Tiff, who has also been leading all the games on camp, did an absolutely outstanding tribal wars and all the young people were engaged the whole time.
Everyone then had a great swim before returning to camp.
After another incredible meal, Andrew led us again in the night rally into an incredible presence of God. Ps Benny Kez taught briefly, but powerfully, around the offering on the power of sowing and reaping and then Ps Kez preached a powerful word on the Holy Spirit and countless young people got filled with the Holy Spirit and touched powerfully by God.
The last morning I preached on “Who are you going to let have the last word” talking about speaking word of faith over their lives, circumstances and speaking what God say about them and not what the world says. God moved powerfully with many young people lying on the floor touched by the power of God. Ps Kez then got up and ministered powerfully to the leaders. We ended up having 85 people at camp (youth and leaders) and it ended up being the best camp that I have been a part of.
I want to thank Cristie and her family for the weeks of cooking and 17 hour days in the kitchen, Ps Kez for her amazing ministry and leadership with the youth leaders, safe churches, prayer co-ordination, Ps Wal for helping with sound, Ps Chloe for the incredible games and beach activities, Ps Benny and Eva for your leadership and support, Ps Murray Baker for sending 10 young people from Sydney and all the leaders, Pastors and helpers that are too many to mention.
If you ask me why it was such a success, then I’d have to say it was because of the unity and selfless service of everybody using their gifts and talents together as one body. No one ministry or church in our group has the resources or gifting to make this event have the excellence that it did, but when we all come together with a corporate mindset and a kingdom mentality then we have more than enough to be a lighthouse of Faith and Grace to this dying world.
I know that this will continue for Faith Camp 2025 and beyond but I also pray that it occurs in all of our churches and ministries for we were definitely born for “such a time as this”. I’d like to thank all of our friends and partners that support us to release us to minister and put on events like Faith Camp. If you’d like to partner with us in ministering the Gospel to those who need it most then please click on link below.
Love you all,
Peter Robertson