Finding Strength When Feeling Weak

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Newsletter

Hello to all of our friends and partners,

I pray that this finds you doing well, but even if you aren’t, I pray that you know that you are loved by God. We live in a “highlight reel” generation where everybody compares themselves to everybody else via social media. Firstly, social media and the internet is always a snapshot a persons life, and with the right photo and right editing we can make something look very different to how it really is.

Early in my Christian walk I would hear some people speak about faith and it seemed like there was something wrong with me because I faced struggles and weakness where they seemed to always live in Victory. It took me years to learn that living in Victory does not mean that we will not smash headfirst into our own shortcomings and frailties at times, but if our focus is upon the Lord and who we are in Him, then we will always come through our trial in victory. So firstly… there is nothing wrong with you if you feel that you aren’t up to the battle you find yourself in. The Apostle Paul felt exactly the same at times.

2 Corinthians 12:9 ‘And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.’

Paul faced something here that he couldn’t handle in his own strength. It was a serious situation to Paul as he asks the Lord three times to have this situation depart from him. God does not say “no” in this situation but lets Paul know that the grace to get through this situation, whilst it may not be visible, it is present. There is another story in the Bible where the prophet of God and his servant were completely outnumbered by their enemies. It looked like they were completely unable to get out of this situation but the prophet prays for his servant that he could see that, “more are for us than those that are against them”(2 Kings 6:16-18).

You may be wondering why we sometimes can’t see this grace that is sufficient for us in our situation. I believe it is because we are often more in tune with our natural feelings than who we really are in Christ. Our spirit is alive to the things of God and totally in tune with the Holy Spirit, if we have made Jesus the Lord of our lives and are born again (if you want to know more about this then please email us). We just need to learn to attune our lives to our authentic self(our spirit), which has the same power that rose Jesus from the dead in it (Rom 6:4).

Romans 8:26 ‘Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.’

Next time you are feeling weak, don’t run from God but run to Him. Our feeling may not want to pray in tongues or worship in the spirit but our authentic self, our born again spirit does. When we pray and worship in the spirit, we quiet the voice of our natural mind and body and attune ourselves to our spirit which is alive to God. From there life flows to our natural minds and bodies, and the strength and wisdom needed in your situation is released.

Cristie and myself are busy organizing Youth camp for ICFM for September where we will be teaching young people who they are in Christ and to know the power of the Holy Spirit. We’re also very busy traveling all over the country and to the nations so please keep us in your prayers. If you’d like to become a partner with us in taking the Gospel to the nations then please click on the link below. Never think that your contributes too small as everything helps us do what God has called us to do. We love you, pray for you and speak Gods word over you.


God bless,
Peter & Cristie

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